Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Spider Man room

Our son, Kyler, turned 3 on July 28th.  His major interest right now appears to be Spider Man and superheroes in general.  So, his birthday gifts were spiderthemed.  One gift, a bed sheet set, led us to the "need" to paint his room.  The colors of the sheet brought us to the idea of using gray for the room color.  We have seen some gray themed rooms online and have always liked it. 

The room was painted all flat white.  Everything. Trim, walls, light fixture..the works.  Luckily, the doors have remained original (and they are very cool).  It's amazing what a simple coat of paint will do.  The gray color really made the trim pop and offered a nice contrast. 

While I was at it, I took off the original register grate and decided to strip the old layers of paint from it.  I counted 7 layers!  I used a heat gun for the majority and sandpaper for the remaining bits.  To finish, I picked up some black 'hammered' spray paint.  It gave the register a nice touch.  The black goes well with the gray wall and the vent now gets the attention it deserves. 

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